Biomaterials and Regenerative Engineering
Alliance Laboratory
2024年08月31日 19:27
工学院专题学术讲座| 顾奇: 组织工程器官:距离替代复杂的人体系统还有多远?
| How close are engineering organs to replicating the natural complexity of biological systems?
时间:2024年9月1日(周日) 14:30-15:30
Time: 14:30-15:30, Sunday, 1 September, 2024
Venue: E10-304, Yungu Campus
主持人: 西湖大学工学院 杨健 博士
Host: Dr. Jian Yang, Chair Professor, Westlake University
Language: Chinese
顾奇,博士生导师,中国科学院动物研究所研究员,北京干细胞与再生医学研究院双聘研究员。致力于干细胞特异材料及打印平台开发;结合多技术体系再造复杂组织器官功能系统。主持多项科研项目,包括中科院A类先导“器官重建与制造”中生物墨水和打印装置方向负责人,科技部战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项负责人,中科院院装备项目负责人等。获中科院百人(结题优秀)、基金委优青资助,当选2022年中国干细胞学会卓越青年研究员,获2023年澳中科学研发杰出校友奖等。担任Biofabrication, Bioactive Materials, Cell Proliferation等杂志编委,以及中国生物材料学会先进制造分会等学会委员。
The field of organ fabrication, which integrates developmental biology with bioinspired engineering, aims to replicate the intricate structures and functions of natural organs, marking a significant advancement in tissue engineering. Traditional methods like advanced 3D bioprinting create cellular constructs with specific designs, but the complexity of organic development—including unique cellular movements and arrangements—poses substantial challenges. This research explores strategies to design engineered organs that enhance physiological function, examining how closely these organs, fabricated using advanced methods, mirror their natural counterparts in both structural and functional properties. By focusing on microphysiological function simulations, we assess this concordance and address the gap between engineered constructs and natural organs. This presentation provides insights from recent projects in our laboratory, highlighting the challenges and disparities in simulating physiological functions and exploring innovative approaches to narrow the gap between artificial and natural organs. Our goal is to advance the field of organ manufacturing, bringing us closer to achieving fully functional, bioengineered organs that more accurately emulate physiological functions.